Team Kyndall Krippner is fundraising for The Brookwood Community
The Brookwood Golf Benefit is back, and as parents to a special needs daughter, who is now working at Brookwood, it is a very special place that is close to our heart. This year more than ever, we are hoping for more people to participate in supporting Brookwood. As you may know, every year there is a drive to continue supporting this amazing place and community. Brookwood is a God centered non-profit residential community for adults with mental and physical disabilities. The citizens there work real and meaningful jobs within their own community, and truly give back to society the best they can, while gaining tremendous self-esteem and a sense of self-worth throughout their lives. They grow plants for the florist shops, make wonderful gift products and art work, and even help run an amazing restaurant. The revenue from their hard work goes right back into the community to offset expenses. However, there is more help needed to continue to support and keep up with increasing costs to maintain this first rate community, for our very special citizens. That is the reason that the success of the Golf Benefit fund raiser is so important. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much and God bless.