Personal Fundraising Page for Michael Sloan
Welcome to my site. I was introduced to the Brookwood Community while
playing in a golf tournament 24 years ago. Brookwood it was on one of
the charity holes in the tournament where I met Sylvia Patton. Sylvia
called me not long after the tournament and asked if I would like to be a
golfer in their marathon. At the time my son, Rory, was 10 years old.
He has Asperger Syndrome which is a high functioning form of autism. I
thought that I may need an organization like Brookwood in the future
with my son. So I signed on and 24 year later I am still signed on! As
it has turned out Rory lives on his own, drives, manages his money and
is employed. We are truly blessed. Over the past 24 years, I have
grown to love Brookwood and its citizens. Just look at them in the
picture, their smiles, you can tell the love. It is a joy and a
blessing to be part of this organization. I ask you to be a part of my
effort to raise $10,000. I also ask that you pray for me in my effort
and all those who are part of The Brookwood Community. Hit them long
and straight and more importantly have joy in the game and the day God
has given you.